You guys im soooo bored.
like rlly rlly bored.
sooo i think i wanna know things about u guys!1!11!
- whats your favorite food?
(mines tacos :) )
- hows ur day goin?
- hows life, on a scale of 1-10?
next, some great people i think you should follow!!!
thers alot of cool people here and on twitter, so go check these fellas out!
rekkadraws_ (or fishy) (only on twitter)
LendonKsKs (LENDON WE LOVE LENDON ALL DA HOMIES LOVE LENDON RAHHGGH!!!) (only on twitter) (i think) ((and youtube if you wanna sub to him :) ))
lastly, i wanna know what you guys are currently doing, as in are you just a normal bean, or do you have a hobbie that ur trying to fill up with as much creativity as possible??
with that said, i wanna say that i still love newgrounds for everything they've given to me, like my humor, or my interest in art, (i luv you art people YOUR COOL!! DON'T LOSE MOTIVATION!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!) the many friends that i pretend are my friends but am too scared to send request too so i pretend their my friends... AND my motive when i wake up in da mornin!
I have a lot of 2:00 energy in me but i wana goto bed, so ima end dis.
Luv u all, have an amazing day...? night...? whatever!!!
-best regards, Spinarooz
chicken chips and gravy